Fournereau PLM 2nd class

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Fournereau PLM 2nd class Empty Fournereau PLM 2nd class

Message par Ni Röth Mer 26 Avr - 10:40

Good morning all, just acquired this beautiful O gauge Jean Fournereau domed-roof PLM coach, in 2nd class yellow & black. Quite original, and with a fabulous label. I think from the earlier period between 1935, when the PLM colours were added as variations on the standard series, and 1937, when they were withdrawn? Or, later, when they came back in 1940?

Whichever it is, good to know they're still out there to be found!

Fournereau PLM 2nd class Pxl_2018
Fournereau PLM 2nd class Pxl_2019
Fournereau PLM 2nd class Pxl_2020
Ni Röth
Ni Röth

Messages : 6
Date d'inscription : 06/01/2022
Age : 57
Localisation : Oxford, UK

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Fournereau PLM 2nd class Empty Re: Fournereau PLM 2nd class

Message par trains86 Mer 26 Avr - 13:15

Hi Nigel,

Nice looking one, not common to find. Not easy to give a production date, they have been made from the thirties to the fifties. now you have to find the first and the third class coaches.... I do have the same one too.

All my best wishes,  Daniel

Fournereau PLM 2nd class Img_2419

Messages : 678
Date d'inscription : 07/02/2018

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